Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bucket Lists

Conversing with Kathryn via Facebook, I have discovered the sprouts of a bucket list growing. It's not much, but I want to keep this list and see my priorities at age 18, and maybe add/take away every 5 years. 

I think it'll be a pretty rad thing to do, because that way I'm not drifting through life hoping for God to put something there that I can accomplish. This way, I'm already moving, and He can direct me any way. (Shakespeare Time: But He, that hath the steerage of my course, Direct my sail!
Anyway, let us begin. I don't think I'll get the 101 out in one hit, but I'll try for it by the end of the year. This is in no particular order, just as I think of them.
  1. Participate in the tomato throwing festival, Spain.
  2. Go to the Glastonbury Music fest, England.
  3. Eat a square pie at Glastonbury... or somewhere in England.
  4. Visit the homes of writers such as Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Pablo Neruda, and the stately homes of England.
  5. Finish post-graduate uni degree. In Melbourne.
  6. Score an internship/job at a print magazine/newspaper.
  7. Get published in a print publication before 20.
  8. Become an editor. And not a sub editor. Editor in chief.
  9. Become fluent in Spanish. Particularly Chilean slang.
  10. Learn to play guitar in an awesome Rodrigo y Gabriela fashion. 
Well, let's finish with a bit more Shakespeare.
There's place and means for every man alive.
With that in mind...
On, lusty gentlemen! 

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